24 December
Warmer today (about -5°C at noon), but snow at times.
23 December
More snow! And cold at -13°C today, but getting warmer.
20 December
It's a snowy time of year! And cold at -17°C likely going down below -20 tonight.
16 December
I was just reviewing the page of last year and entering the COVID-19 fray with: ow·me·chron. That's "it hurts me for a while". Now I see that posting statistics is a waste of time. So many people have or had COVID that statistics are not practical.
7 November

27 October

16 September
I'm progressing on my development of the China train mapping system.
30 AugustI've spent the full life of 78 years seeing The United States claiming to be the world's greatest democracy; in fact the epitome of democracy. For many years I have clearly understood that the claim is false. The USA focuses on superiority with intimidation of others. It has nothing to do with government form; nor whether others are a form of democracy—better or worse. In fact the form of government in the US and most other claimed democracies is best defined as partocracy. Though formed by general election the voters can only effectively vote for party nominees—not by freedom of consciousness. In a true democracy all voters can secretly cast their votes for any member of society with full rights. None are greater or lesser under the law. The earth has no history of a true democracy, but this is the ideal form of global society and needs to be implemented.
26 August
I have recently posted the new website for All Rockhounds Pow Wow Club of America. Updates will follow.
The Madras rock show is no longer included.
17 June
Overhead view of Prineville Pow Wow.
12 June
Another visit of a deer in our backyard.
1 May
Overhead view of Lakeside School during May Day celebration.
30 April
The wild Arrowleaf Balsamroot (balsamorhiza sagittata) flowers in the backyard are beautiful today.
17 April
I went to the farm for a social time.
I entertained the kids with some follow-me videos of them and still pictures with the drone.
10 April
I flew the drone to inspect the eves trough on the house—looks good!
25 March
My birthday marks the end of the week making two trips to Surrey to haul logs for the Lakeside School playground in Kelowna.
11 March
Spring is springing
25 February
Though much of the media is reporting as though the COVID-19 pandemic is virtually over, my view indicates otherwise.
Though later in the month since my last posting data shows that cases and deaths are still very high
30 January
As the first month of the year comes to an end I have reached the point of development for the Okanagan Rock & Gem Show where I'm satisfied with the technology and design. It is simple and functional.
All that remains now is for providing the details of where and when the show will be and the list of dealers
6 January
The view from home on a snowy winter day in Kelowna, Canada.
29 December, 2021
The view from our livingroom (where I've spent a lot of time during the pandemic) on a cold -20°C winter day in Kelowna, Canada. This website is one where I have been developing new features at this time.
29 December, 2021
I have decided that the term "Build Back Better" is not appropriate from my point of view! There has been little building of the infrastructure I deem good for community life. I have decided to replace the idea with "Build Better than Before". For example: When I arrived in the Okanagan Valley in 1969 I saw the need for a freeway through here. The traffic, including long haul trucks, more than 50 years later still is restricted to only one highway that has poorly controlled lights all the way through the centers of all cities and towns through the valley. The pollution from the many years of this stop and go situation is beyond comprehension. I don't consider the cost of development as much as I consider the cost of not developing what is obvious to me.
8 December, 2021
Omicron, the COVID-19 variant I've see a lot of controversy over the pronunciation of this Greek letter when used for this purpose. The main versions are:
- o·muh·kron, identified as British
- aa·muh·kraan, identified as American
I've decided to enter the fray with:
That's "it hurts me for a while"
I want others to know I'm fully vaccinated so they can feel somewhat safe when I'm present but nothing helps like being vaccinated themselves.
26 June, 2022David got his second booster of Pfizer vaccine.
22 December, 2021David got a booster of Pfizer vaccine.
16 December, 2021Lindea got a booster of a full dose of Moderna vaccine.
3 July, 2021Both are considered fully vaccinated.
19 June, 2021Lindea got her second injection of the Pfizer vaccine.
18 June, 2021David got his second injection of the Pfizer vaccine.
"Resort ye, in times of sickness, to competent physicians; We have not set aside the use of material means, rather have We confirmed it through this Pen, which God hath made to be the Dawning-place of His shining and glorious Cause." "We have permitted you to read such sciences as are profitable unto you, not such as end in idle disputation; better is this for you, if ye be of them that comprehend." ~Bahá'u'lláh