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2020 - The first year of COVID-19 pandemic
A lot of coding innovation for my webmaster work

World COVID-19 daily graphs

COVID-19 11 November

I feel so alone in my view that the wave of the COVID-19 pandemic is one wave still on the rise.

I guess most all people see only a local view of the matter.

Halloween moonrise

Kelowna, 31 October

Halloween rising full moon.

Spur of the moment so not a great picture.

Ocean Picture Rock

Kelowna, 26 October

As many know, I'm not a rockhound as is Lindea, but I sure can see the beauty in some rocks.

Lindea just cut this slab from a huge Ocean Picture Rock for Dan Hurd.

Now how would I use it in an artistic composition?

First snow of the season

Kelowna, 23 October

Our first dusting of snow for this season. Well, it's the heavyist first snowfall, by far, that I have seen in my life.

I shovelled the walkway twice today. It is heavy wet snow.

It's a dull day still in COVID-19 isolation (and likely to be a long winter of isolation).

Kelowna, 14 September

I have been finding new ways to make the China Train Maps site work with new sources of data. It is partly working but needs more programming. The new sources of data require extensive logic in the programming but the information looks to be much more current.

Kelowna, 13 September

The challenges of life seem to be intensifying! Not only is COVID-19 forcing limited activity, we are now experiencing heavy smoke from the wildfires in the western US; the business relationship I have been a part of in China since 2012 has been suspended; my train map data source is blocked at times and my public service China Train Maps site is perhaps now blocked in some parts of China. Not sure as Jing in Xinjiang has said it is open there but a friend in Beijing said he can't get it.

I shall strive with new development and know that the technology I write will survive regardless of suppression and the development may last for centuries, long after I've passed on to the next life and current forces dissipate.

Kelowna, 1 September

The COVID-19 pandemic is far too virulent to consider international travel this fall.
In fact I can't see any possibility that the people of the world will respond in a suitable way to eliminate it within the next year.

Even though I continue to research possibilities and costs, I don't expect to resume my travels for more than a year yet.

Kelowna, 18 August

Today I reached a satisfactory point in the processing and display of weather information for the social sites I develop. now probably on to the China rail website revisions.

COVID-19 Dreaming

Interspersed coding and dreaming of possible travel
Imagined Trip based on plans cancelled for the spring
Meander to Paris, Istanbul, Georgia, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia

10 August Bouleau Lake area
Rockhounding trip with Lindea

Kelowna, 11 August

I'm adjusting to the idea that all plans for travel to far off parts of the world within the next year are mere dreams and illusions.

Seeing the disastrous effects of corrupt and unethical government responses to the COVID-19 pandemic where they create unlimited money to support the possessors of wealth while enforcing poverty to compel the poor to work as slaves and the delusional responses by the mass of people, I realize there is little hope for a healthy civilization for the foreseeable future.

I'm adjusting to the realization that I'm stuck in relative isolation from a healthy life.

Whenever the energy level in my life provides enough force for effort I'll try to learn more Internet technology and add inventiveness to the sites I develop for social needs.

Kelowna, 23 June

I have been active with my website development most of the time since the onslaught of the COVID-19 pandemic.

I have been keeping the websites for the Kelowna and Vernon rock clubs, the GMFC, the Prineville and Madras Pow Wows, the Okanagan Rock & Gem Show, China Rail mapping and this site updated with the new technology I'm inventing and implementing as my imagination, learning and skills develop.

I'm hoping to be successful with the new methods for the railway mapping system now under development. If it works all elements will be displayed in one browser tab and processes will be faster and more efficient.

This picture shows a young buck resting in our back yard a couple of days ago. The deer seem to like coming here occasionally to feed and rest.

Kelowna, 11 June

I have finally installed the siding on the shed I built in 2012.

A rainbow appeared over the valley in front of our home this evening.

Booked for 13 April - 12 May

Working on data processing & display
Cancelled 2020 Spring Trip (map)

Calendar shows plans made
Meander to Paris, Tblisi, Baku, Uzbekistan and Riga

Kelowna, 23 March

Just a little time before my 76th birthday and I'm alone at home maintaining social isolation due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

I see the only way to eliminate this health threat is to prevent spread. If the spread is interrupted for a suitable amount of time it will die out. Infected people will become well, or unfortunately die, and residual viruses without a host will also succumb.
The challenge then will be to prevent its spread from the wild.
Likely a vaccine will eventually be developed but this event should be resolved before that happens.

I have declined the September invitation to North Korea to participate in the Pyongyang Science and Technology Book Fair and recommended that the mass games preparations be suspended to prevent the dangerous spread of this disease. I expressed my hope to visit on a more auspicious occasion.

Kelowna, 25 February

I have spent a lot of this new year working on the development of new code for my websites.

The weather features are now all served from one location for all clubs and organizations to reduce the load request from the source of data.

I have also developed new code and methods for my travel calendars that should reduce the provision time for future trips.

The calendars provide flight status around the time of flights, weather for selected locations and other links provide accommodation information, how to get to the locations, etc.